Harsh Inner Critic

Harsh Inner Critic

Does any of this sound like you?

  • I feel like I’m selfish, self-centered, not a good person.
  • I’m my own worst critic. I can’t get things done or express my creativity because I’m so self-critical. I imagine others are judging me harshly too, even if they don’t show it.
  • I feel like I don’t deserve to complain; other people have it so much worse!
  • If I make a mistake or do something wrong, I feel terrible.
  • I feel guilty when I need to take a break, go to the gym, take a nap, or do something fun.
  • I have to have everything perfect in the areas I can control.

This is what it’s like to live with a harsh “inner critic.” In this state of mind, you never really relax. Whatever you accomplish, it is never enough. There is always that critical voice tearing you down, pointing out your failures, telling you that others judge you and find you lacking. This constant criticism sours relationships, interferes with enjoyment, and promotes depression and anxiety.

I help people learn to quiet the judgments of an over-active inner critic. As they start to do this, their long-held negative beliefs about themselves start to shift and they begin to love and appreciate themselves, sometimes for the first time ever.

If this sounds like you, and you’d like to make some changes, email me for a free phone consultation. I look forward to talking with you.