

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, flooded with fear, anger, or other intense emotions that seem to come out of nowhere? Do you have trouble sleeping, have intrusive thoughts or memories, or find yourself avoiding certain places, people, or situations?

Many people who have been through a traumatic experience (either a one-time experience, like an accident, or longer-term, ongoing trauma) have such symptoms, and they are unpleasant but not unnatural. They are the result of the intense emotions stirred up by trauma, which linger when the trauma has not been adequately resolved or processed.

The essence of trauma is the feeling of being alone with an unbearable experience. Relational trauma (complex PTSD) in particular can make you feel unsafe in close relationships. Since therapy is by its nature a close relationship,  I make it my first priority to make sure that you know “in your bones” that you are safe and not alone as we explore and begin to heal the scars that trauma leaves. 

Effective trauma therapy can actually change the way traumatic memories are stored in your brain, helping them become more like “just something that happened”—no more frightening or intrusive than other, non-traumatic memories—so you can have your life back.

If this sounds like you, and you are ready to feel different, email me for a free consultation. I look forward to talking with you.